Tuesday, April 01, 2008

Weather or not...

Well, I think Austin's dreary weather of late has been getting to me. I'm not sure if it's that or just the regular old down-droddenness that comes with slacking off on the ole diss. Regardless, it's been more of a challenge to remain upbeat, or at least for the past two days. I stress out at the littlest thing. Alas...

I sometimes get in these moods when I just need new music. I almost biked to Waterloo records yesterday in the middle of the day just to buy a new CD, even though I don't exactly have money to be burning on that kind of stuff right now. I've spent a good amount of change lately, on all kinds of crap, and I was really living quite frugally for some time. Monk-like, really. With this India trip coming up in June, I can't quite afford to be blowing cash all over the place. Boo.

I had a wonderful time last night with Meera, Mehdi, and Seetha. It was nutty because we all had different cravings for dinner and couldn't settle on a place. So we ended up at Whole Foods where Mehdi bought pizza, Meera bought a salad, I bought Indian food, and Seetha bought roasted chicken. We had been craving s'mores and lo and behold, Meera pops up with tealight candles, yummy dark chocolate, organic graham crackers and natural marshmallows (who knew such a thing existed?). We roasted our s'mores right there on the Whole Foods patio and shot the bull until 11:30pm. Wow! You can tell I'm not running these days; I can NEVER stay up that late on a school night!

Sunday night was fun, too, because we (Meera, Nik, April, Michael, and I) headed to Ryan and Patrick's for a wonderful cookout complete with stuffed crabs, tofu kebabs (thanks to the ever thoughtful Nik), goat cheese, basil, & portabella salad (go Meera!) and steak and watermelon. It was a feast and it was the perfect end to a weekend. So good to spend time with old friends.

And boardgamers among you, beware! I am obsessed with Settlers of Catan. It rocks.

1 comment:

hellolua said...

So happy to have made another Settlers convert! And, I meant to comment on your last post that it was truly wonderful having you visit us. You're a delightful visitor! And I was thrilled to be able to pull together a foursome for Catan action!