Friday, April 11, 2008

Water and Sunshine

Warning: long, rambling mediation about water to follow. Read at your own risk!

Ok, so I'm a Scorpio, which is apparently a water sign. And that's no surprise for me. My mom and Nana were also Scorpios and HUGE water babies. My mom was a water ballerina and swam in some pretty fantastic competitions, and she grew up on beaches (as did my Nana). I had always lived near water until we moved to central Ohio and I think that was my big beef about living there. I need water. I work in the Amazon for crying out loud! Water EVERYWHERE! And it's funny, because I don't drink nearly as much water as I should, but I like being around it, in it, looking at it, dipping my toes in it, running by it, swimming in it, tubing in it, whatever. And with that whole schtick comes SUNSHINE. I love sunshine. I'm not going to tan outside for hours on end, but just to be in the sunshine on my bike or better yet, while in water, is thrilling for me. I really believe that my mom became a teacher not only because she loved kids and was good at it, but also because she got those three precious months of water and sun in the summer time. And now that Austin is all springy and neon green, it makes me want to be outside or outside and in water or near water that much more.

So yesterday I went to swim at the outdoor lap pool at Gregory Gym at 12:30 in the afternoon. It was sunny and breezy and beautiful. The best part was looking at the reflection of the sunlight on the floor of the pool as I was swimming. When my hands broke the water, they looked like water bugs, skating on the bottom instead of on the surface. I need / want / cannot live without WATER. Which is why I'll never take a job in Nebraska. At least Cleveland has Lake Erie. Austin has Town Lake. Peru has the Amazon.

Here's my ranking, from favorite to least favorite bodies of water:
1. The Ocean.
It always changes, is never the same, smells wonderful, gives new creatures, sand, shells, tides every day. The same beach never looks the same from day to day. The changes are sometimes subtle and sometimes extreme, but Lord knows I love the ocean. Especially the Atlantic, but that's probably because I have spent the most time in it. My family is from an island in Rhode Island, and I know those beaches like the back of my hand.

Third Beach, Middletown, Rhode Island

2. The River.
Rivers are extraordinary. Smaller oceans, really, because they change regularly too and they also have currents. Of course the changes are slower, but they're there. The nice thing about a river is that the water is never stagnant, like what will often happen with a pool, pond, or small lake. I like knowing that new water is there all the time. And in the Amazon, every river is completely different from every other river. Some have black water, some have brown or green or clear water, some are fast moving, some are slow, some have shores some go right to the trees. It's pretty neat.

Nanay River, Santa Clara, Iquitos, Peru

3. Big Lake. Big lakes (like Lake Michigan or Erie or Titicaca) are cold and BIG. I like the size; nothing can stagnate, and you can't see to the other side. Really nice for sailing safely.

4. Big Lagoons or Big Pools or Big Quarries. For me to feel comfortable in a lagoon, it has to be pretty sizeable. I'm anti-leeches and I don't like too much icky mud between my toes. Icky mud to a minimum, please. But the big lagoons of Iquitos are great because they are really deep and cold and predictable. Barton Springs is right here, although I would put it at the top of my list in terms of actual sites to go; it's extraordinary. I do love it.

Zungaro Cocha, Iquitos, Peru

Barton Springs, Austin, Texas

5. Pools. With Chlorine. I like pools. A lot. Even with chlorine and no nature. Mostly because I like the light on the bottom of the pool.

Lion's Club Pool, Iquitos, Peru

6. Creeks. Creeks are actually nice, but you can't often swim in them. But I like wading in them or skipping stones in them. There are some creeks in central Austin that you can swim in, and they are pretty magical and otherworldly.

7. Ponds. Actually, I don't like ponds.

I can't believe I just spent all this time on a meditation about water. I'm a dork. But that swim yesterday inspired me! I love love love love LOVE being in or around water!

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