Fun Fact No. 67: Stubble? Peruvian genetics permit very little facial hair. If you see a guy with a beard or mustache, he´s probably been growing it for at least 10 years. So imagine my surprise the other day when I see a creepy, Prince look-alike who´s got the whole face-lined thin beard. I thought it was painted-on at first, but then I realized it was real. Here´s to the 80s generation and Peruvian creativity!
Well, the whole public university system of Peru has been on strike since June 12. Remember, since we´re a bit south of the equator, the seasons are flipped as is the school year. Classes should be in full swing right now, but unfortunately due to disagreements on professor and administration salaries, it´s been a full month without classes. Students are bored and are either turning to getting a job for the time being or to delinquincy. Honestly, the professors should go on strike for the crap pay they make in a university system that is hardly better than a really good high school in the states, but in years past, strikes have lasted over a year. Imagine having your education interrupted for so long! And it´s not like these kids have the cash to go to the private schools (of which there are many, including three here in Iquitos). So nothing is learned, nothing is gained because the Ministry of Education seems to be deaf to these please and they´re trying to privatize education anyway (sound familiar?), so everyone seems to be screwed. Just as I was typing this blog, a parade went by with about 200 people carrying signs and protesting. And this is shortly after tentative agreements were made between the federal government and our regional government to better the primary and secondary education salaries. Whew!
I´m just running around like crazy but in between craziness (last minute interviews, concerts, library and radio station visits, the whole nine yards), I´m reading the new Harry Potter, but in Spanish. It´s just as riveting in Spanish as it is in English except that some of the names lose their irony or significance. Other than that, I tell you what, I am sad to finish it because I know it´s the last. And I´m a slow reader in Spanish and yet the 650-odd pages are flying by. And I´m afraid that Harry might be a Horcrux himself. Aaaarrrrgggghhhhhh!!!!!! I know I should be reading something else more productive and related to my studies, but an hour before I go to bed and when I wake up in the morning can´t hurt, can it?
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