Saturday, November 18, 2006

The Big Day

Fun Fact No. 24: You can tell everyone it’s your birthday because they really care. In the US, who cares (besides your friends and family) if it’s your birthday? Here, everyone wants to know when it is, from the taxi drivers to the waitresses. It’s a huge deal. I wonder if the life expectancy is lower, or if it’s just a good excuse to hug people or if birthdays just make people happy. Lord knows I love birthdays (my own and anyone else’s) so maybe it’s just a general love of birthdays.

Well, today’s the big day. 28 years old. Who knew I would make it this far? Now I’m REALLY in my late 20s. I’ve heard that the 30s blow the 20s out of the water, so here’s hoping, especially considering I only have two more years left. April said she was going to start calling me Granny Kathryn. I do have grey hairs, you know. There’s this little patch on the back of my head, but I’ve had it since I was 20. Ha! Anyway, I know how blessed I am. When I moved to Austin, I swore that I would

a) never complain about the heat (and sure enough, I really love it and it has prepared me well for the Amazon, which is not nearly as hot as Austin)

b) always give thanks for my city. Seriously, I’m completely in love with Austin, and I never, EVER take it for granted.

Something else I didn’t necessarily consciously decide, but I have been doing more often, is giving lots and lots of thanks for my wonderful friends. As most of you know, I have a very small family – it’s just me, my brother, and my Dad. I also have an aunt and uncle in New Jersey and that’s it. That’s all I got. And I’m not that close to my family, so my friends ARE my family. And I am so, SO fortunate to have the most wonderful friends in the world. If I were to start naming names now, this blog would be like 10 miles long and y’all would get bored. But if you’re reading this, most likely you’re one of the people I am fortunate enough to call my friend, and I love you very much. I take no one for granted, and I am lucky and blessed.

Today we’re having cebiche at home with my nearest and dearest here (Mario Luis, Lars, Cesar, Lilia, Monica, Charitin, and my family) and then tomorrow we’re having a big bash with everyone (including some of Grupo Explosión, which should be entertaining). Last night I went to Mario Luis & Lars’ house where the six of us (the aforementioned except for Charitin) sat around and shot the shit, in true Austin style. Then Mario Luis, Cesar, Monica and I went to grab a burger and wait (despite all-around exhaustion) for midnight to tick by. The night was cool and clear and at midnight, I got hugs and kisses from everyone, and I went home content and sleepy. I’ve received multiple text message birthday wishes, not to mention the emails, myspace comments, and lovely skype calls. Thank you (muchísimas gracias!) everyone! I love you and miss you! It has been – and will continue to be – a great birthday.

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