Work is good. I rode my bike to work today, and it was a great ride. Half of it is along the lake and while it's windy around there, it's gorgeous. I got to work nice and early and got ahead of some stuff for today. A big funder came to observe our classes today, so we really had to do well and be efficient. Everything went smoothly. This is seriously a dream job: ethnomusicology, rock and roll, design, education, organization, cool people. What else could you possibly want? If it had a glass studio and was located in Austin, it would be heaven. My coworkers are SERIOUSLY awesome. My boss is great, and funny, and really genuine. We get along very well. I feel like I've been working here for ages. And there are perks too: Matt Pinfield is giving a talk tomorrow night and I get to meet him. Cool!
Here's a picture of the Rock Hall. This is actually the back, but I like the angles a lot. The view from the hall is gorgeous. It's literally built into the lake, so you can see water for miles. And it's right downtown so you can really see the neat, industrial, neo-gothic architecture at every turn.
I'm doing well but I can't WAIT to get back to Austin on Saturday night for Michael's party. I miss everyone so much. And Friday is the anniversary of my mom's death, so clearly I would rather be with my friends in Austin. Although that will partially come true: I see Emily Pinkerton on Friday evening. Hooray!