Friday, February 16, 2007

No no drama...

Fun Fact No. 39:
Water balloons and starch. That's what people throw for carnaval. Seriously: Sundays are unescapable because that's the day to "play carnaval" when everyone is throwing waterballoons all day long, but you can't really escape it during the week either, because some people just want to go nuts, and they throw the starch after getting you wet so it sticks and makes your clothes gross. Luckily it's been blistering hot, so a water balloon every now and then has been welcome.

I'm sorry that I've been off the radar for a while. Things have been difficult here, and I haven't been in the mood to blog. Quick rundown of recent events:

1. Brother and Sister-in-law.
Tim and Erika, after a wonderful month, hit the road on Tuesday in a slow boat to on their way to tour throughout Peru. We had all kinds of fun during their time here, from lovely outings to big lakes to water balloon throwing to just a relaxing beer. It was absolute heaven to have them.

2. The Motorcycle Diaries.
Well, the saga continues. Turns out that my friend's uncle who found me the motorcycle took a hefty commission, I have three witnesses and yet he continually denies it. The papers we had drawn up for the motorcycle were not legal, and I'm in the (long and complicated) process of turning him into the police, another corrupt bunch. Furthermore, my supposedly honest mechanic screwed me out of a bunch of cash, and I also have proof and am in the (long and complicated) process of asking /demanding my money back. Luckily I have a few people on my side. Very drama. Very ick.

3. Carnavalesque.
Carnaval is upon us and my fieldwork is well in gear after a bit of a slump. Rehearsals and interviews regularly (and lucky for me my motorcycle finally works so I can get where I'm going) and I'm learning stuff. Good stuff. But lemme just tell you, the dancing that they do for carnaval is exhausting. Lots of hopping and skipping and avoiding water balloons. Sometimes I just want to go to Flightpath and RELAX.

4. Home sweet home.
I think I've decided to move out of my family's home. It's a wonderful place to live with a terrific view, a fresh breeze from the lake, and sweet people. I love them all. But it's crazy and I only have 5 months left: I need to make them count. I need quiet to work and do my thing. And so my friends Cesar (biologist from Chiclayo), his wife Graciela (sociologist from Cajamarca), Sandrine (ecologist from France) are moving into a beautiful house in a quiet neighborhood WITH A JACUZZI (what?!?!?!) and I very well may join them. The only problem that I'm facing is that I feel pretty awful leaving the house because I don't want anyone's feelings to be hurt. The move has nothing to do with them: it's just that I need QUIET and tranqility. My life has lately been total drama and to quote Fergie & the BEP, "no no drama, we don't want no drama" and seriously, I just want a boring life! My life in Austin was just right...

5. Life Lessons.
I've been learning a lot lately about people, people in Iquitos and Peru, and myself. I like liking everyone. I like everyone liking me. But then there are those who choose to take advantage of me and then there is me, letting myself become a doormat. Long stories, short answer: live alone and just say no. And I'm learning, slowly but surely.

6. Angelic voices.
So my choir had another concert and I'm about to retire. I'm a procrastinator in some ways, but when it comes to organizing a concert where the tickets are expensive, there is no WAY I'll wait til the last minute. Especially when a reputation is being built. Anyway, we had a concert for Valentine's Day and while it was a success, I would have done things very differently. The really neat thing was that Erika sang and she was the star of the show: her voice is so beautiful and the audience was swept away. It was truly remarkable.

Anyway, I'll keep you posted more often. Love to all.


KC said...

glad you're back. was about to email to ask if you were ok. i hope your move is smooth and you finally get a chance to relax and focus on your research fully. all is well (but very busy!) here. love, kc

Anonymous said...

I was just telling Ryan this morning upon waking that I was starting to get a little worried about you since I hadn't heard from you by email or blog. He assured me that since you are so far away you are just involved in your life there. Then I checked your blog and here you are again. So glad! I miss you and have made a little hommage to you on my wall with a few cards you have given me over the years. Very sweet. Love you!

Mirandochka said...

Hey, cutie! I'm glad to hear everything's OK. And I know exactly what you mean about needing peace and privacy and non-doormat-ness.... I'm trying to get myself some of that right now!

I'm not sure if you know my big news - but I'm moving back to the States! I'll be in Colorado... just a short plane ride to Austin!! I can't wait till you're back, I'll be sure to come and visit.

Neil said...

I am glad you are back on here, but sorry to hear about the drama-ish stuff. At least this means you are so native that you can now get fully into the life--both good and bad. You now understand the full story.

We love you!