Wednesday, December 27, 2006

Secret Language

Fun Fact No. 32: Christmas is celebrated on Christmas Eve. Yup, Christmas Eve is the big day, and Christmas is meant for hangovers. You eat with the fam, and then hit up the town. Nutty, huh?

Well, it has been an eventful past few weeks! I think I’m going to go ahead and do a “Top 10” just because otherwise this blog would be LONG. I’ll start with four for now and continue in the upcoming days. So here we go (with disclaimer: this is not necessarily the order of fun or enjoyment, just the best 10 of the recent past):

1. Christmas Spirit

In Peru, Christmas Eve is the important part of Christmas. Meera and I, accompanied by almost the entire household, went to Quisto Cocha for the day. It was a wonderful time. Quisto is kind of like a zoo in the middle of the jungle with a big lagoon to swim in and a really nice beach with white sand. We looked at all the animals, swung on a rope swing, and played volleyball (Meera and I SUCK!). We swam (well, not Meera) and hung out and had an all around wonderful time. Even more fun was later that evening after a mild food crisis (as in, what’s for dinner?) when we went to Veronica’s boyrfriend’s cousin’s house (can you keep up?) where we danced until about 5:30am and then a big ole group of us took Meera to the airport. It was SO much fun but also exhausting. We got home at 8am. I doubt that Meera slept on the plane so here’s hoping she got some rest in Cusco that night!

2. Lima’s not such a hellhole…

Meera got in on Monday, the 18th, and starting from that moment all we had was FUN. And who knew that Lima isn’t the hellhole that it normally appears to be? We did the whole nine yards – went up to the top of the mountain to see the whole city, Miraflores, Barrancos, the ocean, San Juan de Lurigancho, downtown…We stayed with Mario Sr.’s older sister for two nights and stayed with Dina’s younger sister for a night. We hung out with another one of Mario Sr.’s sisters and also a trombonist I befriended when he was on tour in Iquitos. We hung out with Mario Jr. who’s been in Lima for about 3 weeks. We bebopped from here to there and it was SO much fun!

3. Skinny Mini & Starches

Who knew you could lose weight in Iquitos? Well, now that I’m down by nearly 15 pounds, and even my hoochie Peru pants don’t fit, I can tell you, it’s SO possible. The starches are too much for me to handle, and so I just can’t eat them. And plus they only eat about 2 big meals a day and in the US I eat about 5 times a day. Meera helped me revise my diet and I am GOING to gain that weight back, dammit! I’m now eating a huge salad a day and more protein and so in future pictures, I won’t look so emaciated, I promise.

4. Secret Language

It was really wonderful having Meera here for a million reasons. Not only did we just have a wonderful time, but we also had a secret language: English. It was kind of fun to babble off in another language and no one understands. I know, it's cheating, but it was fun nonetheless.

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