Friday, September 30, 2011

Vitamin D

I had no idea how much I depend on Vitamin D for my happiness. This recent NY Times article  stated that you only need about 15 minutes a day on your arms and legs from spring through fall to get your fair share to sustain you, but what happens in the winter? Or in cloudy cities like Cleveland where there is plenty of sun in the summer but on average fewer than 15 sunny days during the winter? Some suggest supplements, which is all fine and good but I never remember to take them. Others say move south (not an option right now). Still others suggest a sun lamp. It's not even October yet, but I suspect that I will be investing in a sun lamp soon. I hate to complain (besides about politics), but MAN ALIVE I MISS THE SUN (and it's only been gone a couple of days). I absolutely POSITIVELY WILL SURVIVE gosh darnit!

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