Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Pizza face no more

Fun Fact No. 2a: Aguajes everywhere! A palm fruit only found in and around Iquitos, the famous aguaje, is small and covered in little tiny brown scales. You kind of rip the scales off with your teeth and then spit them out. There´s a fine layer of bright orange flesh around a big pit. It has a really distinct flavor that you either love or hate. And the pits are everywhere; I was hit by one on my motorcycle today.

When I got back to Austin in August, my skin broke out. Almost 30 and pizza face. Genevieve and I have the same problem, and we’re not sure why. It’s a crazy phenomenon. I’ve been in Peru for a mere three days and my skin is better than ever. Humidity? Sun? Motorcycle pollution? Who knows? But my zits have disappeared and my skin looks fantastic. And my hair isn’t doing too badly either! Maybe it’s the water. Hmmm…

My motorcycle is in the shop (working on finding that third gear) and I’ve been at Monica’s where it’s quiet and breezy, working on my chapter. Since my motorcycle isn’t up to par, I figured I should get some real work done anyway.

I went for my second run in Peru today. I went to the stadium where they have a track and I did my speed workout. It sucked. Let me just tell you, ick! The sun comes up so damn early here, and even though I was on the track at 6am, I was already roasticating. Stupid equator! Just kidding! I think this will definitely help me for the marathon.

Life in Iquitos is so far rather uneventful. And that’s the way we like it!

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