Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Frog Earrings

Today I am wearing green copper frog earrings. They are about 1.5 inches long, and they're very detailed. When I was in the fifth through 7th grades, we lived in Rhode Island, which is where my mom is from. We would regularly go for hikes in the Norman Bird Sanctuary in Middletown, not too far from the beach where my mom grew up. The bird sanctuary would have a fall festival with arts and crafts and pumpkin carving contests and the whole nine yards. It was always so much fun. One year, just Mom and I went and we had a blast, walking around the grounds, looking at different rescue birds and hiking up to the peak. We shopped at the art festival, and my mom saw these copper earrings and bought them for me in an instant. I rarely wear them anymore, not because frog earrings aren't cool, but because these silly earrings make me think of my mom all day long, and I can practically taste the hot apple cider that they sold at the sanctuary.

1 comment:

marylamb said...

You are so sweet. I cannot wait to see you.