Friday, August 03, 2007

TGIF...I think

Fun Fact No. 74: Cop on every corner. If they did this in Austin, I bet it would work. For those who are hard pressed to follow traffic laws, the government has placed 2 cops on nearly every corner in the most heavily congested areas. These people are BRUTAL and they stick to the same corners for weeks at a time, disappear, and then reappear when you least expect them to. Sneaky but it works!

Fun Fact No. 75: Serving with Love, Faith, and Science. This is the motto of the best (and most expensive) health clinic in tow. If you can believe it, it´s pentacostal. I´m generally anti-pentacostal for various reasons, but who knew that they would be such good doctors? And what a cool line: love, faith, and science.

So it´s Friday and I know that most of you who know me won´t believe it, but my bags are packed, my room is clean, and my clothes are washed. Impressive, huh? I don´t leave until Sunday, so y´all should be REALLY impressed. I really want to enjoy the party tonight and the beach tomorrow and the pool on Sunday, so I thought I should just do it. I threw out a lot of stuff (for which you´d be proud, Gen) and got rid of a bunch of clothes. Hooray! My suitcase still weights a bloody TON but we´ll see how that works out in Lima. Dear Lord Help Me if I´m over the limit!

I still have interviews today and tomorrow, and I keep panicking that I don´t have enough to write an entire dissertation. Right now I´m tentatively planning to be here in Iquitos for a month in December. We´ll see how the money situation works out. Something else that makes me panicky: money! As in, where´d it go? And how can I get it back? Here´s hoping good ole Paper Place hires me again! hee hee...

So life goals. Hefty subject. I wanna be a college professor when I grow up. I like teaching. A lot. But getting that job requires a finished dissertation. NGO? Saving children in Africa? Glassblower? Spanish teacher? Underwater Basket Weaver? These are my many options in the event that I fail. But then I won´t be failing, right?

1 comment:

Niko® said...

Hola chula!
this is your neighbourhood sidekick, just logging in to wish you a happy return and thank you for the tima you spent showing me around town and risking my life with snakes, bikes and lianas!
Acordate de mantenerte relajada y constante, y vas a terminar tu tesis, y después vas a ser 100% libre!